Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Final Proposal

When I started this project I decided to show time in contrast to something happening at home because its the place where we spend most of our life. So getting inspiration from that idea and taking photoshoots. I tried making two stop motion movies on different ideas but still at home. collecting ideas from these two videos i choose topic NATURE v/s TECHNOLOGY for my this project. In which I am gonna show how with time nature like fruits decays but technology like cellphones and ipod remain as it as. They only get damage when anything done by us to them where as fruits deacys themselves. working on this topic i also showed how fruits are  naturally made and technology like cell phones and ipod are man-made. this is done by showing hand-drawing in cellphone and ipod drawing and in case of fruits its drawing itself. So best thing to show my these ideas was making movie i.e. Stop Motion Movie. I also did heaps of photoshoot for my stop motion movie which took ages. You can also see in the photographs how when its cloudy and sunny as light coming through displays dark and light. Which shows timing as well. The hardest part was recording decaying of fruits in photos, but still some how i manage  to show that.

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