Thursday, April 7, 2011

Initial Research

This photo is taken by Alec Soth in 2002 at some one's apartment in U.S.A, Memphis, Tennessee. I took similar image like this in my first assgnment, the one with long exposure. It seems interesting to me because usually a person tries to capture photos of really nice interior but in this as you can see its doesn't seem really nice interior and still going on heaps things. The photo itself tells you what sort, age group of persons live there. The curtains and door's dark colour contrast well with light coming from window and colour on walls.

This is another photo by Alec Soth which interested me. This photo was taken at Colombia in 2003. it interests me because of appropriate exposure used in this photo especially you can see light coming through is divided into three rectangles. The bars in the window actually divides the light source. moreover only one object on side drawer is lying there other than furniture. the same contrast of colours with light can be seen in this photograph as well because of dark colours in furniture.

This photo is taken by Martin Parr in ENGLAND at Bath. Somerset. A Show house in 1988. As I am thinking of doing some stop motion for my Project 2 regarding any house work. This image interests me because it seems really old and shows what kind of people lives in this room. the most interesting about this photo is that there is car parked outside the window and there's a toy car right at that angle inside the room. The black and white contrast of bedsheets and pillows is quite interesting in whole room and the most the red lamp comes out to be more attractive.

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