Thursday, April 14, 2011

Proposal Development

As for my project 2 i wanted to do something at home regarding house work or something. Since that idea is pretty used heaps millions times so i changed my idea little from that to NATURE v/s TECHNOLOGY. but its still at home. I wanted to make a stop motion movie that how fruits or vegetables are drawing itself and coming out of papre as real and on the other hand technology like phones or ipod is drawn by hand and pencil and coming out of paper. Through this showing that how nature is made itself but technology is man-made, like showing hand in phone's drawing and showing drawing itself of fruits.
Here's my second trial of stop motion movie. I did it last night. Still has some problem in frames per second in this one. It looks quite jumpy. Just wanted to try it.

Here's the contact sheets of images for this video:-

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My idea is to make a stop motion movie of something at home. So i tried making this stop motion movie, was just giving a try to stop motion movie as a kind of practice before the actual final one. I learned quite few things after making this video like taking care of lightining and same time of day because when i was taking pictures for this stop motion movie i really noticed how sunny-cloudy day can affect the photos and video. Especially taking care of framing and the moving objects in photos. It was bit hard to get same colour contrast photos because it was cloudy day and had to change the camera settings for few photos, which are noticeable. But i also think as the lightining changes in the photos because of sun it shows the different time of the day, as sometimes dark and bright. It seems interesting. I will try to get this lightening effect in a good manner for other Time Photography photoshoots. Now i kind of know to take care of few things while shooting photos for stop motion movie.

Below i have posted my contact sheet for photo shoot of this stop motion movie.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Initial Research

This photo is taken by Alec Soth in 2002 at some one's apartment in U.S.A, Memphis, Tennessee. I took similar image like this in my first assgnment, the one with long exposure. It seems interesting to me because usually a person tries to capture photos of really nice interior but in this as you can see its doesn't seem really nice interior and still going on heaps things. The photo itself tells you what sort, age group of persons live there. The curtains and door's dark colour contrast well with light coming from window and colour on walls.

This is another photo by Alec Soth which interested me. This photo was taken at Colombia in 2003. it interests me because of appropriate exposure used in this photo especially you can see light coming through is divided into three rectangles. The bars in the window actually divides the light source. moreover only one object on side drawer is lying there other than furniture. the same contrast of colours with light can be seen in this photograph as well because of dark colours in furniture.

This photo is taken by Martin Parr in ENGLAND at Bath. Somerset. A Show house in 1988. As I am thinking of doing some stop motion for my Project 2 regarding any house work. This image interests me because it seems really old and shows what kind of people lives in this room. the most interesting about this photo is that there is car parked outside the window and there's a toy car right at that angle inside the room. The black and white contrast of bedsheets and pillows is quite interesting in whole room and the most the red lamp comes out to be more attractive.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Project 2, Initial Proposal

For project 2, i tried taking some fast and slow speed photographs, which i have posted as contact sheets. As Project 2 is on Time Photography so I am just thinking of doing either a time lapse of street for whole day or may be doing stop motion video. I prefer stop motion video more because you can actually show time proceeding through phtotgraphs but in video type, which seems quite interesting and fun. For my stop motion video, I  am thinking of taking photographs of house hold work for example ironing of pile of clothes like showing a huge pile of cloths, ironed than folded properly and stacked up. Other could be washing pile of clothes, drying them in sun, then ironing and folding, stacking them properly. This sounds interesting because house is the place where we spend our whole life and there's no place like home. I am also thinking of some other ideas as well at the moment. I will try some other things as well for my time project.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Project 2, Assignment 1

 This photograph is taken by fast shutter speed. I was travelling in train while i took this photograph and train just started from a station. In photo you can see one man walking beside the train but came out really blured like something else. the interesting thing was that man and other things those were near the traion came blured as they were passing me but actually i was passing them in train. moreover the background like the building and mountain came alright (not blured). I was actually trying to capture people which should look really different in phtotgraphs so i think i did get that in this photograph.

This photo is also a good one same as above, the fast shutter speed. The interesting thing about this one was that kids and dog in this image came up differently and other things were quite fine. The interesting thing of these photos was that as train was moving and the things outside the train those were moving itself came out different. The things which are stable came out fine.

This photo was taken with long exposure. I was just  thinking of what photograph should i take for long exposure so i saw this right in front of me. It's looke interesting to me because of the all dark colours and just white bright light in between those colours. I took this photo on normal exposure as well and it came out quite different in regard to this, which interests me more because the same place looke different in photographs. I tried to achieve the contrast between colours in my long exposure photographs and i think i did achieved that in this.

Project 2, experiment images

I have tried some fast shutter speed photographs. It was quite interesting to take fast photographs. I tried taking photos while in train and playing with water.