Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Final Proposal

For my third project – Light, I thought an idea of doing light painting. After trying some of light drawing in photos, I thought of capturing light drawing which are done themselves like taking photos at night of lights, moving vehicles or just moving camera while its taking long exposure photos. So I thought of choosing long exposure for these kind of photographs. As I was just shooting random photos, I came up with an idea of showing Motorway and residential or inside town area at night time. As on motorway when vehicles passes at night time, they leave the marks of there vehicle lights on the photograph. Similarly on residential roads. Through lights of passing vehicles on road it’s easy to tell in photo which area is busy and which is not. Moreover it gives the light painting itself on roads in the photos. That’s what I tried to capture in my photos. I tried to compare between busy night time on motorway and residential area or inside town area. It was quite difficult to capture photos of lights of vehicles in residential areas at night time because I had to actually wait there for a car to pass. When I was taking photos of car passing car in empty town the people who were passing thought I was making movie and they started waving at camera, which was funny. Moreover some people actually stopped their car and waited so that I could complete my shoot but actually I was waiting for them to pass so that I can take photo of their car lights passing.

Final Images





Monday, May 23, 2011

Best Photos from photoshoot 4

These are some of best photos from fourth photoshoot.
This photo was taken on Rimutaka motorway in upper Hutt. I liked this photo because of the pathway made by car lights, telling the directions of roads at night time. plus there was bus passing as well, that's why got those lights little bit above the rest lights. this photo shows how the busy motorway is at night time.
This photo was taken at same place as bove this one. the only difference is that i moved the camera left and right which kind of stable street lights made as they were walking left and right.
this is simialr to photo as above this one. the difference is that this one is taken in residential area rather than motorway and moving camera left and right in this one as well.
This photo is also taken on motorway but I little bit shaked the camera and got funny creature like shape of only street lights. I quite liked this photo because of light painting done by stable street lights.
This photo is of bus passing in a residential area at night time. I am comparing this photo with bus passing on motorway. 

Photoshoot 4

In my fourth photoshoot i totally focussed on my concept to shoot photos. i just took photos i would need for project. I went on motorway near my home and took photos at night of cars passing. It was really busy and got some really cool pictures as well. i n some photos during shooting a photo i moved the camera left and right and got really cool effects of light in the images.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Photoshoot 3

As working on my concept i did my third photo shoot, which was quite successfull.

Friday, May 20, 2011

More Research

As i know my concept now so i did more research in regard with my concept. I looked J bennetts work and i quite liked it especially her photos of golf gounds at night time. John Bennett Fitts is a USA photographer with a focus on emptiness. I have added some of his photos below to get an idea.
 I liked J Bennetts this photo because it series of three images and work quite well as arriving than restaurant and than leaving. i liked the middle image as it looks more stronger than other two.


These three images above are j Bennetts work at golf grounds. In first photo its empty but the things present in the photo give the feeling of some one is there.
In the secong one i liked the sky. It looks really cool as natural.
In the third i like the shadow of trees in empty ground with just perfect lightining.

For more ideas on my concept for this project i searched for various images with same topic so that i kind off have an idea how, when and what to capture in my photographs.
Below are the images i searched just on google on internet.
I liked these photos above because these photos show the emptiness of streets at night time, similar like i want to show as empty street at night time.

 I liked these photos on left and right, as it shows the busy roads at night time as i want to show in my photos as comparison to empty street night photos. i liked these photos as there is no human or cars to reflect the roads are busy at night time but light strips of car it gives the feeling of busy.

I liked this above photo as you can see the light strips of car passing all over the building and different to the above ones. I got similar idea of this in my images which i have posted below. they quite have similar idea.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Best Photos from photoshoot 2

This photo was taken in civic centre at night time. I liked the shadow of the ball on left side building. moreover lights in the middle of photo came alright but on left and right side lights came out little bit bright.

 This photo was also taken at civic centre. Its a photo of cafe near the wellington Central Library. I was just passing this cafe at night time and it caught my eye so i took a photo. I reduced the exposure time for this photo from others photo because otherwise the white light of bar table came quite bright.
 this photo was taken on main street in upper Hutt at night time. There was hardly any car passing at that time. so i did managed to capture this photo of car passing. when i was taking this photo the car driver actually stopped and waited for me so that i complete my shot but i was waiting for him to pass so that i can take photo of car lights passing. It was bit funny. Moreover i quite liked this photo because of zebra crossing in middle road. As car passes this Zebra crossing the lights show the little jump car gets while passing it.
 This is another photo similar to above one.
 This is also similar to above photo.
 this photo was taken in open space with drawing glow stick. It came out quite cool. In this pjoto looks like smoke starting from ground rising towards sky.
 this is another photo taken with glow stick drawing. In this photo looks like a giant man walking from right to left but with out his head, bit scary.
 This photo looks like something is coming out of sky, like lightining or rain kind.
 In this photo i am not sure how the big line of glow stick came on the right hand side. it looks interesting because the line on right side looks like its connecting to the sky.
 I like this one because in this it looks like heaps of birds flying in togather in just middle of photo like in circle.
This photo was taken in dark room. I also wanted to see effects of glow stick inside dark room. In this i first showed moving glow stick in one top position than blocked it and showed on another position and same for third one.

Photoshoot 2

I did second photoshoot according to my concept idea but i quite didnt liked the street photos. I took a photo at civic centre at night, which i quite liked. Moreover also did light drawing photographs with glow stick, which came out really cool.