Sunday, March 20, 2011


This image is taken by John Houtman, a photographer from Pennyslvania. His work includes wildflowers, waterfalls and landscapes in Alaska, Florida, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Virginia. This image was taken by him at Great smokey Mountains national Park in 2003.
I liked this image because of the reflection of broken branches which are half under the water but water's reflecting the image so perfectly that it looks like as there are two images, one original and other mirrored.

This image is from Ken Hornbrook's gallery. He's a landscape artist photographer. This image was taken at Afternoon Reflections Green Creek CaliforniaFall in 1999. I liked this image because its taken in daytime with light and shades showing a good contrast, which i am trying to show in some of my images as well.

This image is taken by Peter Latham, a New Zealand's artist photographer. He didn't turn professional until he embarked on a bicycle expedition of the South Island of New Zealand in 1989, with 20kg of camera equipment.
He named this image 'Karekare Magic'. The most interesting thing of these two images is that these are same images but with different frames. different frames are making images look different. moreover in the image he has covered mountains, bushes, dead trees and bit of water. All these things I am going to use.

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