Wednesday, March 23, 2011


My SPACE for project 1 is Duck Pond in Upper Hutt on Rimutaka motorway. Near about in 1980’s there was just this empty playground area and due to heavy rains, water started getting collected in the corner on the low side of the area. Soon that corner became a pond and ducks from around bushes and river side started hibernating in and around the pond. Later on, City Council of Upper Hutt turned that area into Duck Pond by cleaning it up, planted more trees and made a play area as well for children. It’s been a public park now. This is really interesting place as the way the trees, bushes and pathways are, they just interest you as there’ s been like a story behind them. Moreover this pond lies just in between motorway and vast river flowing down beside the motorway. A person is just attracted by how naturally this park brings peace to mind. I had tried to capture that feeling of peace, calmness and quietness in the photographs.

Final Photographs?????

below are some images which i think, could be my final photographs.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


This image is taken by John Houtman, a photographer from Pennyslvania. His work includes wildflowers, waterfalls and landscapes in Alaska, Florida, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Virginia. This image was taken by him at Great smokey Mountains national Park in 2003.
I liked this image because of the reflection of broken branches which are half under the water but water's reflecting the image so perfectly that it looks like as there are two images, one original and other mirrored.

This image is from Ken Hornbrook's gallery. He's a landscape artist photographer. This image was taken at Afternoon Reflections Green Creek CaliforniaFall in 1999. I liked this image because its taken in daytime with light and shades showing a good contrast, which i am trying to show in some of my images as well.

This image is taken by Peter Latham, a New Zealand's artist photographer. He didn't turn professional until he embarked on a bicycle expedition of the South Island of New Zealand in 1989, with 20kg of camera equipment.
He named this image 'Karekare Magic'. The most interesting thing of these two images is that these are same images but with different frames. different frames are making images look different. moreover in the image he has covered mountains, bushes, dead trees and bit of water. All these things I am going to use.

Phtotoshoot 3

This my 3rd photoshoot. I tried to take photographs of only the particular space i liked for my project, only the chosen images from photoshoot 1 and 2.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Images for final??

Initial Research

This Image is taken by Ann Shelton, who is recognised as one of New Zealand's leading photographic artists. In 2010 she was the overall winner of the CoCA Anthony Harper Contemporary Art Award. Shelton lectures in Fine Art and Photography at Massey University in Wellington. This image was taken in South Taranaki in 2004. I liked this image because of the natural symmetry going on of trees and then a sudden curve of the road gives interesting focus to image. Moreover the branches of trees along side of the road covering as shed on road, quites give a arch kind of shape naturally. Inspired by this image I try taking similar images in my project.

This image is taken by Michael Kenna, is an English photographer and best known for his black and white landscapes. His main focus is on unusual landscapes with ethereal light achieved by photographing at dawn or night. His this image is known as 'Reflected Tree' taken in Hongkun, Anhui, China in  2007. This image seems really interesting to me because of such a calm reflection of tree in the water and if you see the from the right 90 degree angle it looks like one huge tree. As my space is pond as well and I am also taking images with trees in the pond as well.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Initial Photographs

These are some of the good photographs from my both initial photoshoots. I made diffferent contact sheet for good ones so that its easier to look for good ones rather than checking huge number of photoshoot.

Mini World

For my mini-world, my panorama wasn't thta great but still I tried and I got this.

Photoshoot 2

In my second photoshoot I was trying to make Duck Pond look scary during day time as well. but I think that's not going to work. I will try taking photos in like evening time.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Photoshoot 1

For my first project I choose Harcourt Park in Upper Hutt. It includes Duck Pond, playground, and park, walking area, river, bridge, trees and bushes. The interesting about this park is that it’s just beside the motorway – State Highway 1. Just walking on a busy motorway with traffic all around, there’s this park beside and which on entering it seems like a totally different world. Like from busy noisy world to calm quite peaceful natural world. I like this place a lot because whenever I come here it gives me peace of mind and enjoys beauty of nature. It’s more beautiful when its sunset or sun-shine time. It got heaps of things just at one place. There are variety of different trees as well like different in sizes and forms.   Over-all its interesting place. The stairs that leads to duck pond interests me the most. The way to duck pond is made to look like kind of natural, the curves in stairs and in the way attracts the most. As I walk through this place, it gives a feeling of calmness, natural, playful and sometimes some points in this place are scary as well, kind of making comparison between beautiful and scary. So I am trying to put these feelings in my photographs of this place togather.


For my Panorama, I choose river view at Duck pond in Upper Hutt. The interesting about this Panorama is that it includes heaps of details like mountains, river, trees, bushes, rocks and path along to walk. It was little bit hard because it was really bright day. Also it was little bit hard to merge the fence of path for walking. The lines were kind of coming up and down. The main focus point was the huge rocks in the river.